Hawkeye MedTech's Telemed Platform for Clinicians

Help patients from the screen of your electronic device

Why TotalCare?

Easy and Intuitive

TotalCare appointments are scheduled. You choose when you are available and are notified when an appointment is booked.

Increase Clinic Efficiency

You do not need each patient to come to the office! Use TotalCare for follow-ups, chronic diseases care and informational appointments. Increase appointment volumes and revenue without increasing your clinical hours!

Work-Life Balance

Spend less time in the office by using TotalCare from the comfort of your own home and spend time with your loved ones! Take routine follow-up calls in the morning from your home or office!

TotalCare is a HIPPA compliant that retains the patient's call records across all providers and insurance companies for billing needs while keeping your information private and secure.

TotalCare for Clinicians


Dr. S had such a crazy clinical schedule that she didn’t even have time to go to the bathroom! She also spent 3-4 hours every night reviewing test results, taking patient calls and was unable to bill for these after-hour activities!

Dr. S signed-up for TotalCare and informed her patients to sign-up for TotalCare.

Now she is able to take a few calls in the morning from home, bill for after-hour calls, bill for remote patient monitoring and her cancellation/no-show rate has significantly decreased!

Dr. S is happy with her choice to signup for TotalCare!

Schedule a demo and see how TotalCare can help you improve efficiency, increase revenues and give you better work-life balance!

Features & Benefits Include:

TotalCare is Ideal For...

Medical Providers

Includes: Primary Care, Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, Geriatrics, Pediatrician, OB/GYN, Dermatology, Oncology, Endocrinology, Pain Management, Psychiatry, Physical Medicine & Rehab, Rheumatology, Preventive Medicine, Infectious Disease, Pulmonology, Regenerative Medicine

Allied Healthcare Providers

Includes: Psychology, Social Work, Mental Health Counselors, Nutritionist, Physical Therapy, Genetic Counselor, Health & Wellness, Podiatry, Speech & Language Therapist, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Dentists


Surgery centers: Pre-op & Post-op, Group Homes, Assisted Living, Independent Living

Skilled service providers: companies that provide skilled nursing

Based on 420K reviews
"The ability to schedule virtual appointments has increased my work efficiency."
Jennifer Dunn
Dance Teacher
"TotalCare has more features than other telemedicine solutions."
Tina Oliver
"TotalCare is so easy to use. My patients from all age groups had no problem onboarding or booking appointments."
Emily Watson
"Thanks to TotalCare, I can now provide good care for my patients while keeping my work-life balance."
George Weah
Get Started

Download on Mobile!

  1. Go to the App Store or Google Play on your mobile phone or tablet.
  2. Search for TotalCare and choose “Clinician  TotalCare” by Hawkeye MedTech.  Download the app free of charge.
  3. Open the app and enter the verification password. Receive the verification password by calling 301-358-2339.
  4. Choose ‘Sign Up’ at the bottom of the screen. You will now create your account. Follow the prompts by creating a login and then using your phone number for verification.
  5. Sign in and then follow the prompts to set up your clinician account.

Contact Us to Get Started!

GeT Started

Visit Our Web Platform!

  1. Go to https://totalcaretelemed.com/clinician or click the button at the bottom of the section.
  2. Press “Login Clinician” at the top right.
  3. Select “Sign Up Clinician” under the login information.
  4. You will now create your account. Follow the prompts by creating a login and then follow the prompts to set up your account.
  5. To authorize your account please email telemedinfo@hawkeyemedtech.com.

Click on the link now to visit the site!

clinician totalcare logo

Get Started

Watch Video for Walkthrough

Schedule a Demo Today!

